Last party at this beautiful spot , Thank you all for the full support for these 2 first years of life, We will be back next year at new place, new ideas,  same killer vibes and food ❤️ 
Dj @nuno_tuba 🔥 #boskeferrel
Last Sunday of this great season, Thank you all …
let’s blast @dorian_djdodo @_matiaspizarro_ @lucaguichard
Last Sunday @boske_ferrel  with @surge.banda live Music & @dorafurlan Dj set . 
Thank you all for making it so much fun 🔥 #boske #ferrel #portugal #smokedbbq #thebestofthewest #everysunday 
📸 by @javidolzz thank you
Thanks - Obrigado - Gracias - Danke - Merci - Arigato - Toda - Dziękuję - Дякую 
For over 2000 Followers , and all the love ❤️ in these 2 years of existence.
Many more to come …
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